Phoenix Rising: Building Resiliency From Burnout

Are you or your employees stressed, overworked, and hovering on the edge of burnout (or maybe already burnt out)?

Imagine what things would look like if you (and your employees) were calm, relaxed, and able to work at full productivity.

This customizable workshop will help participants to:

  • Understand where burnout comes from and how to recognize it
  • Assess their own level of burnout
  • Practice tools and strategies to prevent or recover from burnout
  • Create a plan for burnout recovery and resiliency which will reduce symptoms of burnout

The workshop is available in the following formats:

  • Full-day
  • Half-day
  • One hour / Lunch-and-learn

To find out if a burnout workshop is right for you or your employees, contact me (click here).

Public Workshops

To find out when and where the next public offering of Phoenix Rising will take place, join our e-mail list (click here), and/or check the contact page (click here) for how to get in touch.

Or, if you want individual coaching around burnout, (click here).